Stretching Benefits For Everyone


Stretching is beneficial for everyone; any size, any shape, at any age! Don't be fooled into thinking you need abs or fantastic yoga moves to stretch out your muscles. Here at Jupiter Massage and Pilates, we understand that every person's bodies are different and need unique workouts and stretch routines that work for every person's unique size, shape, or age. 

With our different stretch options, we make healthier living accessible to everyone! We offer Dynamic or Active Stretching routines, Passive or Manual Stretching, PNF, and AIS! We also offer specialized stretches that target specific muscles groups for certain sports, like our Golf Stretch, Tennis Stretch, or Baseball Stretch. For fitness fanatics we have created a full body Fitness Stretch as well to enhance your circulation for quicker recover times. 

Our team at Jupiter Massage and Pilates are all Certified Pilates Instructors and Licensed Massage Therapists. They are an incredible team that together holds a vast amount of knowledge of the human body. With one of our team members stretching you, you will be feeling fresh and pain free sooner then ever!

Stretching helps everyone. Keeping your joints and muscles active and healthy as you get older also decreases injuries and promotes blood circulation. 

Come get a stretch with us today! Call or text, visit us online, or shoot us an email we will be happy to answer any and all questions you have about pilates, stretches, and massages. 

Jupiter Massage and Pilates

125 W. Indiantown Rd, Jupiter FL, 33458 

PHONE: 561-529-2093 (Call OR Text) 




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