What Makes A Massage Therapeutic?
Therapeutic massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on using various techniques to treat specific physical conditions, alleviate pain, and promote overall wellness. It typically involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia, to enhance healing, reduce stress, and improve mobility. The main goals of therapeutic massage are to: Relieve pain – It helps manage pain from injuries, chronic conditions, or muscle tension. Reduce muscle tension – By targeting tight or overworked muscles, it can improve flexibility and relieve discomfort. Promote relaxation – It helps reduce the physical and mental effects of stress and anxiety. Enhance circulation – Improving blood flow can speed up healing and reduce swelling. Improve posture and mobility – It can correct musculoskeletal imbalances and increase range of motion. Therapeutic massage can include several different techniques, such as: Swedish massage – A gentle form that fo