Fit For Christmas


Yes, Christmas is a time for celebration and usually self indulgence, which frequently leads to strong New Year's plans to get fit and lose weight, so it's understandable that many individuals find it difficult to keep a positive attitude in December. If you neglect your fitness during this season, you may have some of the following issues: 

I receive numerous invitations to lavish Christmas parties and am too busy preparing for Christmas to include any exercise into my schedule. 

I also know that I overindulge throughout the holiday season. 

I try to make up for my overindulged season in January.

These pointers can be useful if any of those statements sound familiar to you. Check out our holiday fitness guide, which includes the following, to enjoy the holiday festivities while keeping a positive outlook: 

routines for maintenance exercises 

time-saving workout techniques 

tips for cutting calories 

By doing these, you can avoid having a huge mountain to climb to get back in shape after the holiday season.


Maintaining a fitness regimen is one of the hardest things to accomplish when time is limited. The additional demands on your time may need you to sacrifice something if you typically work out a couple times per week. However, cutting back on training doesn't have to result in a decline in fitness. According to research, a few weeks of maintenance exercise can cause little or no fitness deficits. 
Because the body gets a chance to rest and regenerate, performance can sometimes even get better after a little period of reduced training. As a result, when you resume your regular training, you may discover that you have more energy and passion for your exercises.


Plan, inform, and then do. Consider scheduling a few less frequent and/or shorter workout sessions. Put your plan into motion after explaining your intentions to friends and family and stressing the value of maintaining your fitness.

A Little Exercise is Better Than Nothing:

Understand that your workouts will be shorter, but that they can still be beneficial for your training. 

For instance: 

If you frequently go for multiple runs or jogs, halving your training time will still keep you in shape. 
Reduce the number of sets of each resistance training exercise to one or two instead of two or three. Your session will be shorter, but you'll still be working the same muscles, maintaining your strength.

Jupiter massage and pilates
125 W Indiantown Road, Ste. 102, Jupiter Fl 33458


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